STC Spring Break 百老汇学生峰会


During spring break, five students in the 韦德娱乐app下载地址剧团 traveled to New York City to participate in the 百老汇学生峰会.


我们的第一天非常棒! Students took in all of the incredible exhibits in 百老汇博物馆, explored the city a bit, and saw the unbelievable revival of Sweeny托德-这是不容错过的. 



The day started with an early morning meeting with the ladies of 视图 before heading over to the Radio City 音乐 Hall for an incredible behind-the-scenes tour. We even met Valeria, a Radio City Rockette, and did a kickline on the Radio City st年龄!

After a delicious dinner at Friedman’s with their super 人才ed singing wait工作人员, we headed over to Second St年龄 Theater to see Michael R. 杰克逊的新节目 白人女孩身陷险境 这是不真实的! After the show, we even got to chat with the ridiculously 人才ed James Jackson, Jr.



Our third day was full of workshops with the 百老汇学生峰会. In the morning, we learned the choreography from & 朱丽叶 with Joomin Hwang before practicing mindfulness exercises with Alicia Albright. 匆匆吃完午饭后, we had an audition technique workshop with Erika Henningsen where Annalise Houghton ‘24 and Max Frankel ‘24 got great feedback on pieces they have been working on. Finally, we had an amazing acting workshop with Elia Monte-Brown.

工作坊结束后, we headed to Mom’s Kitchen for some delicious food and HUGE milkshakes before we caught the third preview of 彼得潘出错了, an absolutely hilarious way to end this incredible day.



Our final day of the 百老汇学生峰会 had us working on music from & 朱丽叶 with their music supervisor Haley Bennett. 我们还收到了梅兰妮·拉·巴里的来信, 马特Raffy, and Brittany Nicholas about their careers and path to broadway! 之后, we got to see the incredible actors we worked with the past few days in the incredibly fun musical, & 朱丽叶, before heading back to Solebury to start the spring trimester!


转到 @solebury_theater_collective 以了解更多的经验. 欣赏下面的旅行照片!